The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Electric Motor for Your Kayak

Electric motors are revolutionizing the kayaking world, offering a convenient and efficient way to explore larger areas without the fatigue of paddling. Having tested the Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin on Llyn Padarn in North Wales, I can vouch for its benefits firsthand.

Why Choose an Electric Motor? Electric motors, like the Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin, provide increased range and speed, making long fishing trips or explorations a breeze. You’ll cover more water with less effort, perfect for those who want to enjoy the journey without the exhaustive paddling.

Key Factors to Consider

  1. Motor Power: Look for a motor that suits your kayak’s size and your adventure needs.
  2. Battery Life: The Hiqmar offers impressive runtime; I managed several hours on Llyn Padarn without needing a recharge.
  3. Weight: The Hiqmar is lightweight, ensuring it doesn’t weigh down your kayak.
  4. Mounting Options: Easy to mount, the Hiqmar’s design ensures you spend less time fiddling and more time on the water.

Top Features to Look For

  1. Variable speed control for different water conditions.
  2. Quiet operation to keep the natural experience intact.
  3. Durability and waterproofing to withstand elements (IP67 rated).
  4. Compatibility with various kayak models.
Best Electric Motor for Your Kayak

Best Electric Motors on the Market Here are the top 5 electric motors for kayaks, including the Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin.

1. Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin

  1. Features: Lightweight (3.7 kg), easy to install, IP67 rated, 25.6V, 288 Wh battery
  2. Pros: Smooth and quiet operation, extended range, versatile mounting options, battery included
  3. Cons: None significant identified
  4. Price: £400-£450

2. Bixpy K-1

  1. Features: 14.5 kg thrust, 25.2V, 333 Wh battery, modular design
  2. Pros: Powerful, versatile, up to 10 hours of battery life
  3. Cons: Higher price point
  4. Price: £1,000-£1,100


  1. Features: 17.2 kg thrust, 48V, 374 Wh battery, lightweight
  2. Pros: Easy to carry, powerful, efficient
  3. Cons: Shorter battery life
  4. Price: £750-£800

4. ThrustMe Cruiser

  1. Features: 9 kg thrust, 24V, 259 Wh battery, compact and portable
  2. Pros: Lightweight, easy to install, 3-6 hours battery life
  3. Cons: Moderate thrust power
  4. Price: £1,200-£1,300

5. Electrical Assistance STAND UP PADDLE AND KAYAK

  1. Features: 10.9 kg thrust, 24V, 320 Wh battery, flexible mounting options
  2. Pros: Versatile, suitable for both SUP and kayaks, up to 5 hours battery life
  3. Cons: Moderate power
  4. Price: £850-£900

Conclusion Choosing the right motor, like the Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin, can transform your kayaking experience, offering you more freedom and less fatigue.

Check out the Hiqmar iSUP E-Fin and other top electric motors Here: